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Nyungwe Forest National Park is one of the few remaining tracts of tropical rain forest in Rwanda say to have survived ice age era, it is that led in the south western part of Rwanda’ straddling along borders with Burundi, Lake Kivu and the democratic republic of Congo. Nyungwe forest was established in the 2004 as a way of protecting primates and other animal species that call this home, it covers an area space of approximately 1000 square Kilometers popular for the 13 primate species cherries with the Nyungwe canopy walk. The most known of the resident species is the chimpanzee loving within the forest tree canopies.

Nyungwe Forest National Park

The forest is comprised of a montane forest, swampy marshy areas, grass land and bamboo which present  home for the many animal species, birds, butterflies ,reptiles and amphibians, primates of the park include Chimpanzee, red tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, dents monkeys, L’hoest monkeys to mention a few, there are many birds of the forest over 200 Species have been recorded to date 29 of which are endemic to the destination, example types include Rwenzori Turaco, white tailed blue fly catcher, Rwenzori batis, sunbirds, handsome francolin to mention a few. The park is angelic as you will have the chance to see the surrounding environment the lakes and rivers are amazing to witness.

Popular activities in the national park include Chimpanzee tracking, takes place beginning at the Uwinka Visitor Center, it is led through buy  park ranger, Chimpanzee is said to share up to 98% of the human DNA they are characteristized by their social behavior, intelligent and ability to use tools, their loud charter sound is audible at  distance even before you meet the primates, tracking takes 2-3 hours depending on how far the families have moved,  an hour is allowed while with the species while you observe the rules and regulations if the park. During the chimpanzee tracking you are able to see more primate types like the black and white colobus monkeys, blue monkeys, L’hoest monkeys to mention a few, other primate tracking kinds is the black and white colobus monkey tracking and  Monkey tracking in the national park.

The canopy walk is a famous adventure done in only that National park, it allows up to children of 6 years, the long suspended bridge will take give you the chance to adventure through the ecosystem, it is amazing how much you can spot from the Ariel view of the park, enjoy the vast beautiful view and the dramatic back drop of the mountains of the land of a thousand hills. Nyungwe Forest National Park has been ranked one of the most important birding sites in Rwanda, there are many species in the national park some of which are endemics to the region. Guided Nature walks offer rewarding views of the forest at large as the experienced guide tells you such about the forest and the many trees and ant species.

Tracking chimpanzee in Nyungwe Forest National Park requires one to have a permit to do the activity. Nyungwe can be visited all throughout the year. There is available accommodation in the national park ranging from midrange to the best budget, example facilities include the One and Only Nyungwe Lodge.

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