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Akagera Game Lodge offers the best experience in Rwanda’s only savannah national park. It is an exceptional time to have the best of the wonderful conservation area in Rwanda, the park is a unique bio diverse environment, with several habitats including swamps, lakes, rivers, mountains, woodland, vast savannah grassy land, 30 % of the ecosystem is water based, the park has for over time suffered exploitation from people that needed land for settlement, mostly affected by the 1994 Rwanda genocide, the reintroduction of lions in the national park has gained it fame it is one place to see most of the so called big five of the wilderness (Lions, leopards, African elephants, African buffaloes, Rhinos and leopards.

Akagera Game Lodge

The Akagera Game Lodge is situated into the southern end of the Akagera National Park, it is overlooking the exceptional lake Ihema the lodge presents 60 rooms, a conference room, restaurant, bar, and the pool, and the rooms are air conditioned decorated to meet the best of Rwandan style, the rooms are placed with modernity including an ensuite bathroom, Wi-Fi, office space, the standard rooms are placed with an ensuite bathroom, each of which has been stayed in the Rwandan African decoration, the Inzovu Restaurant makes mouth-watering meals from the onsite garden, that is natured by the lodge staff members, it is supplemented with the food that is purchased from the local market, daily meals include the continental dishes, and local meals, the restaurant area is open to serve meals from breakfast, lunch, dinner.

The lodge has got an outside pool bar where someone can relax after a long day of doing activities and a swimming pool area, the spectacular views of the overlooking lake, the craft shop is a beautiful place you can find art crafts to buy for souvenirs to gift loved ones or for memories, popular activities that can be do e during your stay at Akagera include game drives, these take place in the national park through the well distributed game tracks of the conservation area, it is an amazing destination to sot wild life and the only place to locate the animal species while in the national park, expect to see large game including lions, zebras, water bucks, oribi, giraffes, hippos, and many other wildlife species, these can be seen in the park, game drives are conducted on 4×4 wheel car drives, which will give you the best views of wildlife, it is an amazing experience all throughout the park, enjoy the vast nature and differentiated ecosystem. This is one of the few places where doing night game drives is allowed, they are led through by an experienced guide. In order to access the park, one needs to pay park entrance fees.

Boat cruise along Lake Ihema, done mostly in the afternoon time in search of animal species of the conservation area, expect to spot quite a good number of water animals like hippos, crocodiles and water birds on a lucky day you may be chanced to see the critically endangered shoe bill stock and the many other water birds.

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